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Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Information and Records

Providers must maintain records and obtain and share information to ensure the safe and efficient management of the setting, and to help ensure the needs of all children are met.

The Ark Preschool and Daycare


10.1 Funding Admissions


Policy statement


We operate an inclusion and equality policy and ensure that all children have access to nursery places and services irrespective of their gender, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation of parents.



1.       We operate a free waiting list and parents are encouraged to book early for places. Those applying for just the funded hours will not be charge a registration fee.


2.      No Deposits will be asked for, when booking funded places.


3.     Our admissions policy is on a first come, first served basis but with the following exceptions:

  • Current children wishing to increase or change sessions are given priority over children on the waiting list.

  • Children under social care are given priority.

  • Siblings of children already attending the setting given next priority.


4.     We offer a variety of funded hours over 38 weeks.

  • Morning session 9.15 am – 12.15 pm 

  • Afternoon 1.00 pm – 4.00pm

  • Morning & Afternoon session 9.30 am - 3.30 pm (30 hours eligibility)

  • All Day Session 9.15 am - 4.00 pm

  • 15 hour funding can be taken using five three hour sessions Monday to Friday or Two 9.30-3.30 sessions plus one morning or afternoon session.


Free Offer & charges for additional time and/or consumables

All settings registered to accept government funding must have a free offer for 2, 3 and 4 year olds.  My offer is:-




AM snack session 50p

PM snack session 50p

Additional hours:  2 Year Olds £8.90 Per Hour.  3-4 Year Olds £6.70 per hour.

*Consumables are:- healthy snacks, wipes, tissues. If parents want to bring in their own consumables, they should request more detailed information about what they will need to provide


Prior to a child attending this setting, parents must: 

  • give a copy of the child’s birth certificate, 

  • complete and sign a Parent Contract – stating the hours your child attends. This is an agreement to allow us to claim the government funded place. 

  • sign our terms and conditions in our admission form. These forms provide the setting with personal details relating to the child. For example, name, date of birth, address, emergency contact details, parental responsibilities, dietary requirements, collection arrangements, fees and sessions, contact details for parents, doctor’s contact details, health visitor contact details, allergies, parental consent and vaccinations etc.

Providing government funded places – 2 year old funding, universal 15 hours and extended entitlement (30 hours)

All funded sessions are in line with the Government’s Statutory Guidance and Local Authority requirements. When you register your child for their funded place we will discuss your needs, and as far as possible with availability and staffing arrangements we will accommodate your wishes. We will try to accommodate hours needed or if changes to hours are needed but this should be booked in advance. 


This policy was adopted at a meeting of BCC – Ark Pre-School & Day Care


Held on April 2024

Revised March 2024

Date to be reviewed March 2025


Signed on behalf of the provider


Name of signatory:  Arzu Subasi

Role of signatory (e.g. chair, director or owner):  Manager


The Ark Pre-School, Bromley Christian Centre registered in 1981.
Bromley Christian Centre (BCC) is a registered charity (No. 1119309), company limited by guarantee, registered in England (No. 6060885). Registered office: 2 Masons Hill, Bromley, Kent, BR2 9HA, UK.

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